Protection from UV Radiation

With industrial safety becoming a priority in South Africa, protection from UV radiation is often overlooked.
UV radiation hazards can be found in many industries and most companies Occupational Health and Safety ( OHS ) programs do not take this into account and this has led to many cases of Skin Cancer and Damage to ones Vision.


Ultraviolet radiation (UV) is generated by the electric arc or plasma flame in the welding process.
Many other industries have UV radiation present in the work place like UV curing equipment in the printing industry.
Skin exposure to UV can result in severe burns, in many cases without prior warning.
UV radiation can also damage the lens of the eye. Many arc welders are aware of the condition known as "arc-eye," a sensation of sand in the eyes.
This condition is caused by excessive eye exposure to UV.
Exposure to ultraviolet rays may also increase the skin effects of some industrial chemicals (coal tar and cresol compounds, for example).
The use of Welding Barrier Cream and UV Protection Cream to exposed skin, is an essential part of your Occupational Health and Safety requirements.

Industries typically non-compliant of UV radiation hazards

  • Welding and Engineering
  • Construction
  • Open Cast Mining
  • Airport Runway Workers
  • Municipal Outdoor Workers
  • Printing Industry


UV emitted from black-lighting is of major concern to people in the printing industry
Wear long sleeve shirts and gloves and cover any exposed skin with our UV barrier cream

UV hazards from welding

Welders necks are often not protected and can lead to cancerous tumour's,

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Manufacturer of Welding Barrier Cream
Suppliers of UV Radiation Protection Skin Products